The decisions we make now can help fill 2022 with amazing possibilities.

At the start of every year, we tend to wish for something better for the year ahead. Now, as we all head into year three of the pandemic, this wish for something better is likely stronger than ever. That said, it can be hard to see the silver lining and all the positives ahead. They are there, though. To see the possibilities, we need to change how we look behind us and everything we’ve learned. The decisions we make now can help fill 2022 with amazing possibilities.
1.The actions we have already made will help reshape what’s coming next.
Whether you realize it or not, you have already taken steps to reshape a better future.
The pandemic has taught us all kinds of valuable lessons to make us more productive, more resilient and more prepared for whatever the future throws our way.
The negatives we have endured have created positives in their wake. Now it’s up to us to harness those to create a bright future..

2.We have learned how to adapt to constant change.
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus proclaimed that “change is the only constant in life”. Yet as human beings, most of us tend to resist change. We crave the comfort of routines and repetition and we like having control. That said, think for a moment about how far we’ve come in dealing with change over the past year. First, we had to adapt the way we work. Second, we had to stay away from friends, family, and work colleagues. And third, we had to adjust your day-to-day as retail and services opened and shut, again and again. Well, guess what: we have thrived in the face of change. That means we are well-equipped to face whatever major events 2022 might bring.

3.We have become more agile.
In reacting to change, we have become more nimble. This was especially evident in how we have learned to work. As traditional company structures and boardrooms became a thing of the past, online platforms like Zoom, Slack and Microsoft Teams taught us how to work together, while staying apart. This has made us more flexible and breathed new energy into ways of doing business. So much so, that many Canadians are loving working from home and prefer to do so.

4. We have been leaping across global borders.
If there’s one thing that the pandemic has taught us, it’s that when we work together across borders, we accomplish much more. What scientists are discovering in Asia or Europe is helping lead decisions and actions around the globe. Similarly, countries are sharing medical equipment, medicine, and knowledge to help the entire globe put the pandemic in the past. Instead of erecting barriers, we are leaping over borders. Working together works. Knowledge transfer and collaboration can only serve us all well in the future, opening the doors to more innovation, more learning, and perhaps even peace.

5. The playing field has become more level in manufacturing.
When the onset of the pandemic first caused China to shut down, causing a global ripple effect, countries of all sizes had to quickly rethink their supply chains. Many turned to manufacturing locally or liaised with domestic manufacturers to complete their supply chain. As a result, many local communities thrived and smaller economies became more self-sufficient. While China will never be completely out of the manufacturing loop due to their unparalleled production efficiencies, we now have experienced the benefits of diversifying and having solid Plan Bs in place.

6. We have learned to appreciate the gift of time..
When reasons to venture outside the home stopped, we all hunkered down. First, kids learning and playing from home while parents worked from home led to us spending way more time together. As a result, we rediscovered the importance of family time. Next, new family traditions were born while we all learned how to spend time together without outside distractions. Once busy life ramps up again and the pandemic is in our rear-view mirror, it would serve us all well to continue to strive for this valuable together-time.
6. We have acknowledged the value of science.
Science has led the way as the pandemic has unfolded. Though many people tried to focus on conspiracy theories and gossip, the efficacy of COVID-19 tests and vaccines cannot be refuted. It was science that led to the development of Pfizer’s antiviral treatment. Science will undoubtedly lead us to triumph over the Delta variant. Many of us have realized its worth and recognized the key role it can help change our future narrative..

In summary, there is no question that the pandemic has changed us all. But what’s important to note is that it’s not just about how the world changes us. It’s also about how we change the world. Looking at—and learning from —the past helps create a brighter future. And there is much brightness ahead.