Moving while pregnant? Here are 7 things you need to know.

Pregnancy comes with a whole host of stresses. Add a home move into the mix and that can open the door for all kinds of other stresses for a mom-to-be. For one, research has shown that moving while pregnant can raise the risk of pre-term birth. Other factors such as exhaustion, emotional stress and moving away from one’s support network can also affect stress levels. So, if you’re moving while pregnant, try remembering these 7 things to help keep stress under control:
- Others really want to help out. Let them.
- Nesting urges are a good thing.
- The heavy things can wait.
- Making lists helps with pregnancy brain.
- Avoid smelly chemicals.
- Pack an essentials bag.
- Hire a professional mover.
1. Others really want to help out. Let them
When friends and relatives offer to help, start delegating. Not only is it a chance to get together, but more people will get packing and unpacking done faster. Not uncomfortable sharing the load? Hire a moving company to do the packing. Don’t put your baby at risk by overly exerting yourself.

2. Nesting urges are a good thing.
Research shows that bursts of energy and urges to organize tend to peak in the third trimester. If you’re feeling these, go with the flow!
Clean out those closets and drawers so you have less to move. Hopefully, this continues long enough to get you super organized in your new home too.
3. The heavy things can wait.
Your body’s centre of gravity has shifted and that can put you off balance. So, don’t risk hurting you or the baby; leave the heavy lifting to others. Focus on packing lighter items and organizing things. Also, make more trips instead of trying to do it all at once. Experts say if you’re lifting for more than an hour, don’t lift more than 19 pounds when less than 20 weeks pregnant, or more than 13 pounds if you’re farther along.

4. Making lists helps with pregnancy brain
Though many women joke about it, pregnancy brain is real: mental fatigue and cognitive slow-down do happen. Omega 3-rich foods can help. So can making lists of things as soon as you think of them. Keep a pad by your bed, your kitchen, in your office and in your purse. Every night, compile items onto a master list.
5. Avoid smelly chemicals.
While you’ll want your place clean before move-in, let others do this. Cleaning products can contain harmful chemicals, new paint or carpeting can make you feel sick, even renovation dust can bother you. Let someone else pack the cleaning supplies and have someone go in a few days before move day to clean and air out your home.

6. Pack an essentials bag.
Moving day is guaranteed to be busy, so make sure you have snacks on hand to keep your energy up and water to keep you hydrated. Also, pack toilet paper for those frequent bathroom visits. Don’t forget any medications either. If you’re nearing the end of your pregnancy, keep your hospital bag handy too.

7.Hire a reputable moving company.
A good moving company will have a designated point person to manage details and a bonded moving crew to get you moving. They’ll also have storage options in case everything doesn’t fit in your new space. The more your moving company does, the less stressed you’ll be. After all, less stress is the ultimate goal when you’re moving while pregnant. Looking for a reputable? Talk to AMJ Campbell.
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