7 reasons to fall in love with moving.

It’s February, the month where the focus is on all things love! With that in mind, why not think about all the reasons to love about moving homes? After all, there are a lot of things to love about home moves… not the least of which is the opportunity to start somewhere new! Here are our top 7:

1. Sort through all that stuff from years gone by.
You’re not going to want to move kids’ old school papers and art projects and those clothes that will never fit or come back in style. They just take up space and collect dust. Now you have a good reason to go through the attic, the basement and those cupboards to get rid of stuff you no longer need. Return those items you’ve been storing for others too. You’ll love how much lighter you feel afterward!
2. Give back to the community.
Once you’ve decided what you won’t be bringing to your new address, start making piles of things you can donate to people who can use them. Places like local women’s shelters, The Salvation Army, Goodwill and Value Village welcome your gently loved clothes, housewares, books and toys. You’ll be doing something good for yourself, while doing good for others. Now that’s a win-win to love.

3.Start a new chapter.
Chances are your new neighbours won’t know who you are, so you’re starting with a blank slate. Think of it as a free do-over, should you want to make a few little self-improvements. Learn from your mistakes and don’t repeat them. Instead, introduce people the new and improved you. Who knows who you’ll meet at your next address… you may even fall in love!
4. Try new decorating ideas.
Never loved your blue wall but couldn’t seem to get around to painting it? Got tired of those blinds or these kitchen tiles? Here’s your chance to start anew. Comb through the great ideas on Pinterest, House & Homeand Style at Home to find new ways to spruce up your space. Here’s your chance to make it a place you love to come home to.
5. Explore new places
Moving locally? You’ll get to discover a whole new neighbourhood. If you’re moving internationally, you’ll have that plus a whole new culture to get used to. Either way, you’ll be trying new restaurants, seeing new sights and discovering new favourite haunts… and that’s exciting. What’s not to love?

6. Dual purposeediscover how well you work as a team. ful furnishing.
Whether you and your mate form a team of two, or your family forms a larger team, a home move is when everybody needs to pitch in and work together. And with collaboration can come great things and faster progress! Schedule breaks to reward yourselves over a pizza or a glass of wine. Focusing on a common goal gets people working together and appreciating each other more.

7. Do it again, next Let professional movers help keep the stress away.
Why get buried in logistics, a van rental, rounding up friends and hours of manual labour? Hire professional movers and let them do the heavy lifting for you. A reputable mover like AMJ Campbell offers a dedicated person to coordinate your local or international home move, packing tips, and even has packing suppliesavailable for purchase. You’ll love how easy they make moving!
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