Tips for moving with your newborn

Moving can be a big undertaking—even more so if you’ve got a brand-new bundle of joy at home.
But if you put in a little preparation, arrange for lots of help, and let go of your goals for absolute perfection, you’ll be able to get the job done well—and won’t have any grey hairs to show for it.
Here’s how to get from your old house to your new one in the most peaceful manner possible.
Create a plan for baby-related tasks
At least one week before you’re scheduled to move, create a plan to ensure your newborn is safe and comfortable throughout the big day. Here are some duties to consider:
Pack a 24-hour diaper bag
All your essentials should be close at hand, including sufficient diapers, wipes, onesies, towels, toys, bottles, and creams for the entire day of the move (plus some for the night before, if need be). Set this bag aside, separate from other boxes (maybe even in the car), so you can guarantee you won’t accidentally ship it off with your other belongings.
Also, on the evening prior to the move, prepare enough bottles for the next 24 hours and keep these in the fridge until morning. This will help you save time on the morning of the move, and prevent you from having to prepare bottles partway through the day. It’s the little details like this which can make a big difference during your busy moving day!
Assign a child-minder
In your plan, you should also assign a single dedicated person to care for the baby throughout the day.
Maybe this person is the baby’s mom or dad, or maybe it’s a trusted relative, friend, or babysitter. Regardless, this person shouldn’t have any other major tasks related to the move so they can focus on keeping an eye on the infant—and keeping him or her comfortable, fed, and changed—for the duration of the relocation work.
Set up the nursery
Once your boxes and furnishings have made it to your new destination, unpacking the nursery should be the priority. Setting up the baby’s room first is an easy way to make him or her comfortable and allow you to get him or her right back on schedule.
Ask for help
Don’t be afraid to ask your friends and family for their support on moving day. It will make the day go a whole lot smoother, and chances are they will be more than happy to help.
Ask for more help than you need
Always confirm with a few more people than you think you’ll actually need—just in case someone can’t make it or there are unexpected surprises the day of. You can always send somebody home (or for a coffee run) if you have too many hands on deck.
Don’t forget about related tasks, too
Even if some friends or family members can’t be there for the day of the move, if they’re keen to lend a hand, there are other ways they can support. For example, they could help with a variety of tasks that happen before and after the move (like packing/unpacking, cleaning or decorating). Or, they could help watch the baby while you yourself work through these tasks. Remember, every little bit helps!
Hire professionals
Another way to relieve some of the pressure is to outsource whatever tasks you can. If it’s within your budget, hire a professional moving company to take care of the big tasks on moving day. This is a no-muss, no-fuss way of ensuring your contents get from point A to point B without a lot of leg work on your part. You can also hire professional crews to do some of the cleaning, packing and unpacking throughout the move process, which again, will help reduce your workload.
Baby-proof your new home
Along with setting up the nursery, it is essential to make sure your new abode is safe for your infants and tots. Make sure any stairways are safely blocked off with a baby gate, and cupboards and drawers are equipped with child-proof handles. Electrical outlets should be secured, which you can do by getting a plastic insert to keep any curious fingers from getting shocked (read our blog on electrical safety in your home). You might also considering anchoring your furniture to the walls or floor, just in case your little one is a climber—this will ensure that all the furniture will stay right where it’s supposed to and your child stays safe. Finally, don’t forget to pay mind to the items that are placed within reaching distance of the crib.
With all the different considerations, details, and logistics required when moving to a new home, this final tip may seem like the hardest assignment of all. But it’s one of the most important for you and your newborn.
Put as much work as you can into pre-planning the move, and then once the big day arrives, do your best not to obsess over the small details. Tell yourself it’s OK if you didn’t find time to wash your hair, or your baby’s favourite toy gets lost in transit, or your phone suddenly dies.
Feel confident that you’ve planned, prepped, and problem-solved as much as you can, and the rest will be figured out between you and the people you asked (or hired) to help. No move is perfect—and that’s OK. Surprises, inconveniences or delays will pop up, and these can all be overcome. Understanding this will give you the chance to address whatever situation emerges, without getting overwhelmed.
At the end of the day, focus on ensuring your baby is comfortable and safe, and the rest will get worked out.
Are your children beyond the infant and toddler stage? Read our blog on moving with kids to help you execute a safe and successful move.
If you’re getting ready for a move and are looking for professionals to give you a hand, contact a moving specialist at your local AMJ Campbell today.