Moving Hacks 101: What to Bring, Buy and Not to Forget

When the time comes that you finally get to move into your new house, you don’t want to be rushing back and forth to the store running errands when you could be focused on unpacking and setting-up, or simply putting your feet up to relax and enjoy your new space. Help prevent that from happening by preparing yourself with our list of things to buy and what not to forget when moving into a new home. Depending on your current living situation, or what life stage you’re in, you may already have some of the items on this list. In that case, use it as a reminder for what to have accessible when you first arrive at your new house.
Chances are you’ll be bringing a lot of stuff with you when you move. A lifetime of stuff, you might say! Still, there will inevitably be some things you need to buy to ease the transition during the first few days at your new house.
- A moveable curtain rod & curtains (for privacy) – this might sound odd, but if your home doesn’t have blinds or curtains installed, having a backup with a plunger-style rod can be a lifesaver for those first few mornings (facing the sun!) or for bathrooms (facing neighbours).
- Shower curtains – speaking of bathrooms, in most cases shower curtains aren’t left behind, so if you want to take a warm shower after a long day of moving you’ll need to have these!
- New locks – you never know how many sets of keys may be floating around, so when you buy a new house it’s a smart idea to replace or re-key the locks to ensure you have full control over who has access.
- Different types of sorting bags – bring a few types and colours of garbage bags for sorting. Before your bins are set-up and you are accustomed to your disposal systems, it is helpful to at least have some sorting options in order to easily identify disposal amongst the array of boxes, bins and bags already coming into your new home.
- Post It Notes – Carrying a yellow sticky pad and pen will prove more valuable than you may think. They will prove their worth helping to sort, give directions, provide reminders, flag small issues and the like as you go about your moving days.
- Baby wipes – unscented, hypoallergenic wipes can be quick assistance for littles and bugs alike. These are often safe on other surfaces in a pinch (always read ingredients).
- Hand sanitizer – before your soap dispensers are unpacked, keep hand sanitizer around your home and in bathrooms to keep germs away.
- Batteries & extension cords – this will ensure that you can get everything from your smoke detectors to televisions set-up and operational right away so that you don’t have to circle back to do it later.
- Band-Aids & a First Aid Kit – always know where these are and/or keep them in a vehicle.
- Food & drinks – whether you want to stock your new house full of food right away is up to you, but it’s a good idea to at least have drinks (such as bottled water, coffee or tea) and snacks available to help keep hangry moods at bay. If you’re a tea or coffee drinker, don’t forget to bring the necessities you’ll need (such as a coffee press or microwave safe mug) so you can kick off your day with a warm morning hug in a mug.
- Pack a Moving Day Bag – having essentials on hand, like you would for a day-trip, will save you rummaging through suitcases and boxes for dental floss and a razor.
- Take photos of things! What do you need to remember about your old place? Where did you put something? Are there new street parking codes, times or signs? Having photos on-hand is an easy way to recall info and share it with friends and family who will be helping or visiting.
- Outfit your keychain with handy on-the-go tools – mini flashlights? A Swiss army knife or fold-away mini-scissors? Tiny little best friends for weeks, we promise!
From your own experience, do you think there’s something that should be added to the list? Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, and let us know what you recommend people buy or bring so they’re prepared for the first few days in their new home.