Moving Day Must-Haves

Moving can be a fun experience. While it may require a lot of work and preparation, the results are a new place to call home. We’ve outlined three types of things we suggest having on-hand through your move to make the transition smoother: valuables, basics and cleaning supplies. Keep reading for practical ways to be ready.
Keep Your Valuables with You
There are certain things you own that are irreplaceable. These should be packed in a special box or “carry-on” that stays with you throughout the move, regardless of how you travel. It’s important to note that not all valuables are valuable. Important documents may fall under this category, even though their monetary worth is low. If you are travelling via airplane, be sure to check the safety regulations regarding specific items.
Jewelry is not only worth money, it usually comes with sentimental value. Anything that was handed down to you or was given to you as a gift is impossible to purchase again. These are best kept locked during your move, to ensure they don’t walk off on their own.
Crafts your kids made, romantic gifts, and travel souvenirs cannot be replaced. These should go in a hard-shell case packed with bubble wrap that comes with you in the move to ensure they do not get damaged in transit.
Your family’s passports, immigration documents, or birth certificates should stay within your watchful eye. Other documents like a lease or your contract with the movers you are using should stay nearby, too. Create files for these pages and store them in a zippered file holder for added safety.
Don’t Forget the Basics
The middle of a move can be chaotic. When your entire home is almost packed or when you first arrive at your new residence, there will be a few basics you need right away. These things can make your arrival more comfortable and functional with a quick stop at the dollar store.
Toilet Paper
Toilet paper is essential, especially if you are driving a bit of a distance to your new place. If you pack it away, you may find yourself borrowing your new neighbour’s (not necessarily how you want to make a first impression!).
After a long drive, a cab ride from the airport, or just unloading the truck, it nice to be able to wash your hands. Especially if you’ve grabbed a snack on the way to your new home. Keep a simple bar of soap with you for quick and easy cleanups.
Ever moved into a new apartment or house and found that all the lightbulbs were gone? Buy a pack of bulbs so you can get unpacking right away.
Remember Your Cleaning Supplies
Having a few cleaning supplies at your disposal can keep all that water or dirt from entering your new place. Or, if your home wasn’t perfectly cleaned before you got there, you may want to do a quick wipe of cupboards or closets before you begin unpacking your belongings. These next things can help keep your move-in clean as a whistle.
Cardboard Mats
By using large pieces of cardboard in hallways and doorways, you can effectively keep the mess to a minimum. Large boxes can be repurposed as cardboard mats to protect your floors from damage while keeping them clean. You may want to bring masking tape to help them stay in place while you move.
Handheld Broom & Dust Pan
In the case that dust or particles have accumulated on the floor of your new place, a dust pan and handheld broom can make quick work of the debris. These can be found just about anywhere—at a dollar, hardware, or housewares store and come in handy around the house long after you’re all settled.
Paper Towel
The weather doesn’t always cooperate with your moving schedule. You may be transporting furniture in the rain, snow, or wind. Should your furniture and décor get a layer of water from rain, sleet, or snow you can easily wipe it off. Plus, you never know when your morning coffee—vital for moving day—might get knocked over in the shuffle.
Be Prepared for the Little Things
Remembering these must-haves are a good way to set your mind at ease for moving day. Not only will they keep you from hitting roadblocks like a lack of toilet paper, they’ll lower the stress-level of moving important items. Plus, cleanliness during a move can make settling in even easier.
For more moving day insights, read AMJ’s Advice from the Expert: How to Avoid Moving Day Surprises. If you’ve got kids, read Moving with Kids: 4 Tips to Make it Easier.