5 Moving Tips That Will Make Your Life Easier

An easy move might sound like an unrealistic prospect, especially as tasks mount and the big day approaches. But if you ensure you get a head start and stay organized, you’ll be on your way to enjoying the excitement of a new beginning instead of being overwhelmed by moving to a new home. Read on for five helpful tips to make moving day simpler.
Plan like a pro
Adequate planning and preparation are key to your success on moving day. By planning for your move properly, you won’t end up short on time and scrambling to get everything done by deadline. Investigate your moving company before you make a selection by checking references and obtaining a firm quote for both moving and unloading. Reduce the amount of food you buy a few weeks before you move so you have less to transport in coolers on moving day. As the big day approaches, pack a necessities bag for each family
member so you won’t be missing important items if moving day runs late due to weather or any last-minute requirements. This bag should have essentials to get everyone through a couple of days during the unpacking process. -
Pack less
It’s simple math – you won’t have to pack as much if you have less stuff. Your living environment can cause some serious strain on you emotionally, especially if it is overflowing with items you never use or wear. Often, as clutter builds, so does stress. By purging your belongings, you can gain a sense of calm seeing how much more organized a household can be. Put on your editor’s hat and toss out clothes that you haven’t worn in over one year, any items that are tattered or worn, and fast fashion items that you don’t see yourself wanting to take through another year. Get the whole family involved, allotting each member their own box to fill with items for donation they can live without. Some worthy organizations that have clothing donation bins across the country are Diabetes Canada and The Salvation Army. Check your listings for local charities that accept or even pick up clothing and household items from you.
Get the tools
You need the right materials and tools to make your life easier as you pack for the big move. Stock up on supplies such as packing tape (buy more than you think you’ll need), buy new carboard boxes or collect used ones from grocery or liquor stores, pick up a roll end of blank newsprint from your local newspaper or print shop, and test all your markers to make sure they work. There is nothing worse than getting into your packing groove and realizing you’ve run out of tape and the store is closed.
For more information on how to pack items safely, visit the Helpful Tools section of our website.
Make pre-cleaning a priority
Avoid the dreaded cleaning and unpacking at the same time scenario. Plan to clean or at least dust objects before you pack them away. By scheduling time before moving day to ensure your belongings are spotless before they go into the box, you’ll feel comfortable finding new places for your belongings as soon as you open boxes to unpack. For the space you are leaving, many people opt for hiring cleaners to make sure the empty home is thoroughly sanitized from fridge to toilets to windows.
Label with purpose
Think of a moving box as a blank slate. Use a heavy, well-inked marker to include the final destination (room name) of each box. Make sure to do this on at least two sides of the box, so it can easily be read when stacked. Then, use the extra space on the box to list key items you may need to access right away. Think corkscrew, nightlights, batteries.
For more information on how AMJ Campbell can make your move a little more hassle-free, contact a location near you.