Must haves in an Overnight Bag

Moving across the city, around the corner, or across the country can be stressful and regardless of the distance you are planning to move there could be the potential of needed to live out of bags for a couple of nights. We’ve got a few of the items we believe are necessary for your overnight bag!
A couple changes of clothing – the last thing you want to be doing after a long day of relocating is sorting through boxes trying to find some pajamas or some clothing to wear the next few days. Pack a few outfits to wear so there is no rush to find the right boxes on the first night.
A set of sheets for you bed – same idea as the clothing, you don’t want to have to search through all the boxes to find a set of sheets for your bed the first couple of nights.
Some cutlery and plates – if you have planned, prepared and budgeted to have takeout for a couple of meals around the time of your move, you’ll want to make sure that you have a couple sets of cutlery just in case you are not provided with enough from the restaurant.
Electronic chargers – you wont want these to get lost in a sea of boxes! Make sure you have the charger for your laptop, phone, tablet and whatever else is necessary!
Toiletries kits – there is nothing better than a nice shower after a long day! So make sure you’re prepared with some shampoo, conditioner, soap and whatever else you might need!
Of course these things could change depending on what your personal needs are, but hopefully this can serve as a reminder or help you begin to pack an essentials bag for your next move!